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Pyspark ⚡️ style guide
appear in style and sparkly
PySpark is a wrapper language that allows users to interface with an Apache Spark backend to quickly process data. Spark can operate on massive datasets across a distributed network of servers, providing major performance and reliability benefits when utilized correctly. It presents challenges, even for experienced Python developers, as the PySpark syntax draws on the JVM heritage of Spark and therefore implements code patterns that may be unfamiliar. Adapted from
Joost de Theije + LLM
20 min
managing SSH Keys: A (Wacky) Solution for Multiple GitHub Accounts
Streamline Your Git Workflow. Manage multiple GitHub accounts and SSH keys using custom
files. Learn how to configure global Git settings, include specific configuration files, and remap hostnames in your SSH config file. Automate your git workflow and say farewell to fiddeling around with SSH and GPG keys.
Joost de Theije + LLM
3 min
Some points are more or less random than others
A Comparative Analysis of Sampling Strategies
This article delves into various techniques for hyperparameter optimization, comparing the efficiency and effectiveness of Grid Search, Random Search, and Latin Hypercube Sampling in the context of gradient boosting models.
Joost de Theije + LLM
8 min
Introduction to Partial Dependence Plots
Visualizing Model Relationships
This article provides an overview of Partial Dependence Plots (PDPs) and Individual Conditional Expectation (ICE) plots, powerful tools for visualizing the relationships between features and predictions in machine learning models. We’ll explore how these plots can help to interpret model behavior, revealing both average effects and individual data point responses.
Joost de Theije + LLM
11 min
Boring linear forecast
Improving Performance by Adding Some Dummies
Discover how the simple addition of dummy variables can transform a linear forecast from mundane to insightful. This article explores the significant impact of encoding seasonality into your models and provides a step-by-step guide on improving forecast accuracy.
Joost de Theije + LLM
7 min
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